I've been running my DF50 - 2009, in a big waste bin every couple of weeks, whilst my boat is out of the water for winter.
I've noticed that the output at the pee-hole is intermittent. That is to say, sometimes it's a steady stream, but it often pulses before being steady again. This cycle repeats regularly and, on rare occasions, the output stops entirely. When it stops, if it doesn't start again immediately, I stop the engine and restart it straight away; it then pees in the same way as before; intermittently.
I recently changed the impeller. This went fine and the old one looked in perfect condition.
The water temperature from the pee-hole is warm after warmup and after running for around 15 minutes, the water in the bin is also warm.
The two attached pics show water emerging from the gearbox linkage and also from a couple of holes in the back of the mid unit, just above the lower of the visible fins - now sure of this is normal.
Any ideas what's happening and how I can proceed with diagnosis and remedy?
Many thanks,
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I've been running my DF50 - 2009, in a big waste bin every couple of weeks, whilst my boat is out of the water for winter.
I've noticed that the output at the pee-hole is intermittent. That is to say, sometimes it's a steady stream, but it often pulses before being steady again. This cycle repeats regularly and, on rare occasions, the output stops entirely. When it stops, if it doesn't start again immediately, I stop the engine and restart it straight away; it then pees in the same way as before; intermittently.
I recently changed the impeller. This went fine and the old one looked in perfect condition.
The water temperature from the pee-hole is warm after warmup and after running for around 15 minutes, the water in the bin is also warm.
The two attached pics show water emerging from the gearbox linkage and also from a couple of holes in the back of the mid unit, just above the lower of the visible fins - now sure of this is normal.
Any ideas what's happening and how I can proceed with diagnosis and remedy?
Many thanks,
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