I have a 2011 suzuki df250 only 50 hrs
I have been having a problem with the motor stalling it has never happened on the trip to and from the fishing cabin, only when we leave to hit different fishing spots. About the time the boat gets on plane the engine stalls and dies, then I get 2 beeps, engine won’t start until I pump the primer bulb, it will then run great untill later when I stop and go again. and it may only do it one during a trip I have had the boat back to the dealer several times and as usual nothing shows on the computer. It doesn’t happen every time, the dealer thinks it could be a vapor lock situation. They have pressure tested the fuel line which was fine and replaced the fuel filters and the primer bulb, the boat ran great for about 5 other trips but it did it again on my last trip. Anybody else having this problem or know what could be causing this problem? I shouldn't be having this kinda problem with a new boat
I have been having a problem with the motor stalling it has never happened on the trip to and from the fishing cabin, only when we leave to hit different fishing spots. About the time the boat gets on plane the engine stalls and dies, then I get 2 beeps, engine won’t start until I pump the primer bulb, it will then run great untill later when I stop and go again. and it may only do it one during a trip I have had the boat back to the dealer several times and as usual nothing shows on the computer. It doesn’t happen every time, the dealer thinks it could be a vapor lock situation. They have pressure tested the fuel line which was fine and replaced the fuel filters and the primer bulb, the boat ran great for about 5 other trips but it did it again on my last trip. Anybody else having this problem or know what could be causing this problem? I shouldn't be having this kinda problem with a new boat
