After trailering bost and putting a short 2x4 board under tilted up engine (to prevent bouncing on rams) I can't get the motor all the way down to neural position or lower. That gives me a hull up position that over revs to motor unable to plane off.
Apparently I have my trim down limit and gauge out of sync with the hydraulic trim piston tilt down range of motion. The console tilt/down trim shows negative when the motor is actually tilted up above neutral.
Must have knocked something out of sync with the 2x4 board I used when trailering. Anyone know a quick way to reset the limit switch range of motion so I can get the boat planed off without the bow up high and overcrowding the engine?
Apparently I have my trim down limit and gauge out of sync with the hydraulic trim piston tilt down range of motion. The console tilt/down trim shows negative when the motor is actually tilted up above neutral.
Must have knocked something out of sync with the 2x4 board I used when trailering. Anyone know a quick way to reset the limit switch range of motion so I can get the boat planed off without the bow up high and overcrowding the engine?