Hello, im about to buy this engine, it is a 2015 DF 250APX 1600 Hours that have this knocking noise, the engine have full power and no warnings, i checked it today and it is a slack in one cyllinder when you hold the piston inside cyllinder, so one of 2 things, con rod bearing or piston pin, the sound is for me leaning to piston pin or what do you guys think, if it is the rod bearing and i need to replace the crank, then it will be expansive, about 4500Us because of taxes in Sweden and so on, this price is with Crank, 6 new rods, piston rings, new bearings, new timing chain, gaskets and so on, but one thing is nagging me, the engine has 1600hours on it, is this relly big numbers or?, i wonder how many hours they will go, is it worth it to fix it, its fun to of course, my hobby to fix engines.?
im from Sweden so my english maby not perfekt.
im from Sweden so my english maby not perfekt.