Hey redlowrey thanks for your input. So yes, it starts out at 40 psi and then after 5-10 minutes of running at various higher RPMs it would suddenly just drop down to 20 PSI. I've tried pumping the primer bulb from the very first time this started happening with no results (or change in PSI with the added fuel pressure gauge) - though it does seem like the primer bulb goes flat quickly when the pressure drops. Once I bring the RPMs down to 1-2k for a minute or two I can then get back to 4k+ but it tends to bog down more readily after the first pressure drop. I did try and swap the low pressure pump from our parts motor last week but that didn't make any noticeable difference. With the injectors I just figured the parts motor had some dirty ones and might as well get them cleaned so we can try one more thing if the new fuel pump didn't fix things. No smoke or rough idles. The motor just purrs.
I changed the VST to one from our parts motor after cleaning it, inspecting the fuel pump and fuel pressure regulator (it was corroded/rusty). The VST on our parts motor looked like new. Again, these are 2016 motors that look like new... but were used for a shark dive tour boat so we know they were probably run fairly hard and not well maintained.
I ran the fuel pressure gauge where is says to do so in the manual (just before the injector rail). I suppose I could try putting it in different places to see if it changes... do you think changing that would give us a better idea of things? I've checked every fuel line for possible bad clamps or leaks at this point. The primer bulb stays hard up until the engine starts running... then it just needs a pump or two to get it hard again.
Anyway, I'm going to install the new fuel pump this morning and we will give it another try. Putting lots of positive energy out there for a successful go!
I changed the VST to one from our parts motor after cleaning it, inspecting the fuel pump and fuel pressure regulator (it was corroded/rusty). The VST on our parts motor looked like new. Again, these are 2016 motors that look like new... but were used for a shark dive tour boat so we know they were probably run fairly hard and not well maintained.
I ran the fuel pressure gauge where is says to do so in the manual (just before the injector rail). I suppose I could try putting it in different places to see if it changes... do you think changing that would give us a better idea of things? I've checked every fuel line for possible bad clamps or leaks at this point. The primer bulb stays hard up until the engine starts running... then it just needs a pump or two to get it hard again.
Anyway, I'm going to install the new fuel pump this morning and we will give it another try. Putting lots of positive energy out there for a successful go!
