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Df300 no start problem

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  • Df300 no start problem

    Looks like I have a new problem. I was running the df300’s at the dock. They started up fine, I put them both in reverse while tied to the dock to blow out some light silt that was under my slip (dropped something overboard and can’t find it). The starboard engine’s tell tail slowed down to a dribble so I put them back in neutral and shut them down. I was checking to see if the pisser tube was getting plugged. Then I went to restart it and it won’t turn over. Giving me a 4-2 code, CKP sensor. I looked at the sensor and there is nothing obviously wrong with it. I unplugged ot and plugged it back in, killed all power, messed with shifting in and out of gear….. any help would be appreciated!!

  • #2
    I have completely gone through the entire boats electrical system and replaced all cables, battery switches, grounds, etc.. batteries are good and connections are good. I started it several times before running it in reverse. it’s almost like the engine didn’t like being in reverse and idoled up. Can that CKP sensor prevent an engine from turning over? Does anyone have any thoughts on where I should start? Thanks!

