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C10 acting buggy on new boat

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  • C10 acting buggy on new boat

    I have a 2019 Suzuki 250 4-stroke with a C10 computer on it. It is hooked up to a NMEA network. I have a Simrad GO9 for my chartplotter. On startup, it always shows RPM, trim, temperature, fuel, etc. However, when I am out fishing and have the motor off, about 50% of the time when I restart it will not display RPM, temperature, trim level, etc. Then, later, when I stop and restart again, it will reappear again. This happens very sporadically and is not repeatable other than by trial and error. The C10 software is up to date so I don't know what it could be. If the data feed goes down, it stops displaying any info on both the Simrad chartplotter and the C10. The C10 will still show speed since I presume it's getting that info from the Simrad. Any ideas on this guys? It's got me and the mechanic at the dealership stumped.

  • #2
    The problem is not the C-10, its most likely the engine interface cable.

    Have the dealer replace the interface cable. Make sure they use the latest cable, version 3..5.4 software.

