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Suzuki DF9.9 4 stroke fuel leaking from carb

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  • Suzuki DF9.9 4 stroke fuel leaking from carb

    Hello all! I have an issue going on with my motor. Recently I had my carb rebuilt and cleaned. I installed it back and now I am noticing fuel leaking. Thought it was the hose or fittings. Replaced the hose linking the bowl and upper part of the carb. That did not work. I tried putting a little JB weld at the base of the fittings and that didnt work. Today when I started the motor it sounded rough and then died. Tried pulling the starter cord and the motor would not start. I did notice that while I was pulling the cord more fuel wold leak out. Removed the airbox and noticed a good amount of fuel sitting on the bottom of the chamber that is next to the airbox. I know my needle pin is good and not sticking. The float is moving freely. sort of at a loss. Can anyone please give me some direction? This is my first outboard motor. Thanks for any help.

  • #2
    sounds to me like that it didn't go back together 100%
    a gasket out of place a screw out of place a sticky


    • #3
      I've encountered the same problem in a Yamaha 15 4-stroker an uncle of mind had. It turns out that the needle pin was not seating by less than a millimeter due to wear on the carb float arm it rested on. A quick fix I did was to bend the little arm on the float up by about a millimeter and the flooding stopped, regaining the ability to idle around without the engine flooding itself. Fashioned a little shim out of a lid to keep it at the proper height and never had a problem with flooding since.

      The way I found out it was the needle pin was to drain the carb of fuel and start and idle the motor when it's warmed up while kicked up in shallow water drive with the cowling off. Gas dripping from the air box confirmed it was the needle valve not seating properly and not the piston rings as my uncles suggested.

      Not sure if this will help with your problem but here's to hoping it'll point you in the right direction. As artdf175 said, a gasket or screw not seating correctly may also be the culprit. Watching the motor idle with the cowling off in shallow water mode will help somewhat in knowing where the gas is leaking from at the very least.
      Last edited by southwestboater; 08-27-2016, 07:42 AM.

