Hello all! I have an issue going on with my motor. Recently I had my carb rebuilt and cleaned. I installed it back and now I am noticing fuel leaking. Thought it was the hose or fittings. Replaced the hose linking the bowl and upper part of the carb. That did not work. I tried putting a little JB weld at the base of the fittings and that didnt work. Today when I started the motor it sounded rough and then died. Tried pulling the starter cord and the motor would not start. I did notice that while I was pulling the cord more fuel wold leak out. Removed the airbox and noticed a good amount of fuel sitting on the bottom of the chamber that is next to the airbox. I know my needle pin is good and not sticking. The float is moving freely. sort of at a loss. Can anyone please give me some direction? This is my first outboard motor. Thanks for any help.
