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I think I reset my motor hours by mistake

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  • I think I reset my motor hours by mistake

    I bought a boat with a 2007 DF250 with about 750 hours. After replacing the batteries on the boat I connected one of the positive leads from the motor to the negative terminal by mistake. Fixed the issue and the motor starts up runs great and so on. Well now the hours went back to 0 when hooked up to my laptop and when using the interface cable. What the heck did I do? Is there a way to recover the correct hours? It's like a wiped out the memory somehow. I have about 30 hours since this happened and its recording the hours perfectly and even reminded me to do a break in oil change.

  • #2
    Never heard of that happening.

    If you have somehow wiped the engine hrs from the ecu, then you are extremely lucky that the engine still runs properly and that more damage was not done to the ecu. I would personally buy a lotto ticket!

    You could try contacting Suzuki head office technical people in your country to ask their advice, although I suspect they will say once the data is lost from the ecu, its probably gone forever....


    • #3
      Yes, I think I dodged a bullet for sure! I will contact them and see if there is a way to run the hours back up.

