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DT150 A couple questions

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  • DT150 A couple questions

    I just put a 1986 DT150 on my 1988 Ranger. First question: I am getting an alarm. It’s two beeps and it starts as soon as you start the motor. The oiil tank has been taken off and I have to mix my gas, which is not a problem with me. Could this be the alarm I am getting? That there is no oil. It appears as if they put a jumper between two wires and my neighbor who is a mercury mechanic said he is guessing that’s supposed to keep an alarm from sounding because it looks like it’s coming from the oil pump area. But we aren’t sure.

    Next problem. I went a couple weeks ago tobthe lake without a mechanic and the motor wants to choke out at around half throttle. So I ordered carb kits and he cleaned and put kits in. I also put a new filter on the fuel line. Took it to the lake today and same thing. Isles great. Got it on plane and it started cutting out at half throttle. Then It just quit. Would start back up and idle fine. Put it in gear and it would quit. I fished around close to the marina the rest of the day. When I got ready to leave it started up and I got it on plane. It didn’t quit but would only go to half throttle before cutting out like it was choked. The entire time that alarm was going off every few seconds. Could it be because that Oiler alarm isn’t bypassed right and the rev limiter is kicking in? I’m not s mechanic at all and my neighbor is only familiar with newer engines nd mostly Honda and merc because that’s all his dealership deals in.
    This is so frustrating so I appreciate any help st all.


  • #2
    Usually it is a two number code, (warning beeps). Like a number of beeps - a pause, then a second number of beeps, then it repeats.
    Do you have any of the guages connected with that motor? Tach, engine monitor, etc.
    There could be a secondary flow sensor for oil tank? One sensor for oil level, and one sensor for oil flow. If either sensor works it would limit motor.

    If both sensors are jumped then how were the carbs cleaned? Did you check the throttle valve switch? Are air- mixture screws all set identically to manual? Did you inspect fuel pumps? Did you inspect small clear check-valves in both fuel pumps?
    when cleaning carbs, was air compressor used to blow all air/fuel pas-sages out?

    Good luck, post back when able to let us know.


    • #3
      Thanks so much for your input. I possible figured this out. Where the jumper wire went into the plugs on what we were thinking is oil sensor that jumper was just a small wire and it didn’t appear to be making contact on one side. I got a bigger wire and crimped it down on it. Hooked to water hose and had no alarms. Was able to rev motorbas well without rev limiter cutting it out. It will be Friday before I can get it back out on the water to see how it runs. In the meantime I am probably going to order a manual. Thanks again


      • #4
        Not sure if anybody can help me but i have a 1986 Suzuki DT 150 2 stroke, the oil injection system has been deleted by previous owners i brought it from, only thing is they didn't bypass correctly is the oil flow sensors so its stuck in a limp mode locked at 3k rpms. my question, how do i need to wire this to bypass the sensor to get it out of limp mode and enjoy the full potential of my motor? I've looked into restoring the oil injection but its not worth it at the price and key components are discontinued so im stuck on what to do because everybody just says "WHY WOULD YOU DELETE IT"


        • #5


          • #6
            the black and red wires taped up next to the orange hose are the wires that go directly to the sensor, they snipped those and tried to loop the wires in the harness, any help would be greatly appreciated!


            • #7
              You should get a wiring diagram for your motor, specifically for the oil flow switch, and the oil level float sensor. Both of these will put the motor into limp mode if not properly connected, or bypassed.

              Good luck.

