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DF150, which year is it?

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  • DF150, which year is it?


    Just about to purchase an engine where the seller states it is a 2011 model.
    The sticker on the engine says 2009 (pic attached).
    Can it be a 2011 even though the sticker says 2009?

    What would the price difference roughly be between these two (condition, hours etc. otherwise being equal)?

    Accurate information very much appreciated.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Since I don't see any other replies..
    first question.. no it can not be a 2011 engine. The sticker is correct..
    right off the top of my head the 2011 I would estimate would be worth more than a 2009 .. but call local dealer and just ask the question
    now if you have not already purchased this one..
    1) need to know the hours.. an '09 could have many hours on it
    if you have a chart plotter with a nema backbone and engine interface cable there is a way to find all sorts of data on the engine..
    IF Not... a dealer would/should be able to get this data.
    If the seller can't tell a '11 from an '09 I wouldn't trust him on how many hours this engine has been used..
    2) have a good mechanic check the engine over completely
    need to do a compression check for each cylinder ..
    3) what kind of maintenance records can he provide?
    oil changes? valve clearances been checked ?
    a whole slew of maintenance things that should have been done at certain number of engine hours..
    ... one other thing.. can the current owner show proof of purchase?.. that would be on my mind.. having it attached to a boat is one thing.. just buying it is another..
    the photo with the year/model does not show the serial number.. to me .. that may be the first thing to check to see if this is a stolen engine..

    anyway.. hopefully this can help.. or just created more questions for you..

