hello all, just joined yesterday and have been scrolling thru threads. Lots of helpful info! i recently bought my first boat. it has a 25hp suzuki oil injected 2 stroke. the first 10 trips out the motor preformed flawlessly. Then it started acting up. it cranks and idles fine, touch the gas and shes dead. so i started searching, took info ive seen off this site and got to work. Compression checks out fine, about 133-135 in each cylinder. Drained my gas tank, took off each carb and cleaned them up. like all the other newbies, i hooked up some muffs and it ran fine. throttle response was excellent. took it to the lake, dead! if i raise the motor up out of the water and wind it up, put it back down and it runs fine. when i start ive noticed alot of bubbling, and water spraying out of the cowl just above the p hole. when i rev it out of the water and put it back in this all stops. this is my first boat motor and i know very little about them. im inclined enough to tackle this myself with a little help. any ideas? pointers? i have replaced the plugs, cleaned the carbs, and done a compression check. whats next?
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newbie questions.......
Make sure the carburetors are properly synced and adjusted. Also, you do not want to run out of water, this will melt the impeller and cause overheating issues. Change the spark plugs.
thanks for your reply! i have muffs on it in the drive way, and when i say i raise it out of the water, its only for a sec. do you know of a link of a parts diagram? its a 98 model suzuki 25hp . the spark plugs are only about a month old, i pulled and checked them they all looked clean.
The following link is for your motor, double check your carburetors adjustment. Also pump the primer bulb till hard, see how runs, if good for a little while then problem, pump again, if it picks back up then you are having fuel supply problems.
i didnt get a link. where can i get a service manual for this motor? when you say to make sure the carbs are in sync, what do you mean? all 3 are connected by a rod, doesnt that control all of them? like i said earlier, i know NOTHING about boats. now, i can pull them off and clean them all up, but as far as making sure they are all in sync i wouldnt have a clue.
Suzuki 1998 25hp oil injection DT25C
I have too have recently just bought a boat with a Suzuki 1998 25hp oil injection DT25C , I also am new to boating, when i bought the boat, the engine was running fine and all working, when i then transported it by road down to where i live i slipped her in the slipway, checked her over for fuel "making sure bulb was primed" i checked oil, and did general checks, i started her up and she was idling fine, i let her warm up then the min i put a bit of power on she cut out completely, then after that she would not start, however she will start with the choke pulled out but the min i push the choke back in she cuts out on me, if anybody can help me or give me advice, that would be great,
Thank You
It doesn't do any good to bring up messages from 2012, just come in give us your motor info, and describe what's going on.
First off, it sounds like there could be some contaminated fuel in the tank, ("driving to the slip" might have shook it all up- mixed it up). When you ran it at the slip, it pulled all the trash into the carb.
Carbs will probably need to be drained, possibly cleaned. If you clean carbs, you only need to do a basic cleaning, but must use compressed air to blow out all fuel & air pas-sages.
Remove fuel filter on side of motor, pour contents into clear/clean glass container (can use bulb to pump more through filter into small container / plastic baggie, to pour into glass container to see if contaminated.
Best approach, check fuel in tank (if ethonol, it may have separated - looks orangeish). If you have a second portable tank, put new fuel with a fuel additive in tank and try running, AFTER draining each carb, and flushing new fuel into each carb with bulb before closing drain screw.
If motor still not running well enough to get rest of bad fuel out, carbs will need to be cleaned.
Good luck, post back when able to let us know what is going on.