I have a 2000 mod Suzuki DF70. My local service partner says that the ECU (Engine Control Unit) is not working. When I turn on ignition only "Check Engine" lamp lights up. No sound or any other signals. It dos not start!, but startengine turns the engine around. When it worked before, it first showed the runtim hours with a combination of light and RPM readout, and with a beeeep sound, then temp and oil light came on. Then it started and worked. I have tried two other used ECUs. These migh not have the total correct number, but non of them gave any other than check engine light. Could my ECU still be ok and the check engine light be related to something else, and if, what ?, New ECU is very expencive and I can't afford it. I would be very pleased if someone, from the information above, could tell me if my ECU is defect or not?, eventually, how to test the ECU?